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Transformative language guides

Language is a powerful tool that shapes our communication and influences the way we perceive the world. At Light for the World, we are committed to using respectful and inclusive language that aligns with our values as an organisation.  

To guide us in this endeavour, we have three transformative language guides covering anti-racism and decolonisation, disability, and sex and gender.

Each guide includes a glossary of some of the most common words and phrases we strongly advise colleagues to use (and avoid) in internal and external communications. Please be aware that within these guidelines, it has been necessary to reproduce some terms that may cause offense in order to highlight respectful alternatives. 

We know that language is subjective — words and meanings differ across geography, people, time, etc. We know we don’t offer all the answers in these guidelines. But we believe aiming for inclusive language is a journey, which we need to constantly engage with and learn from, and that these guidelines can help us begin that.

By adopting inclusive and transformative language, we contribute to creating an environment that embraces diversity and upholds the values we stand for as an organisation. We seek to use words wisely, harnessing their power to make a positive impact on the individuals and communities we work alongside.

Authors: Light for the World

Year of publication: 2023

Terminology Guidelines_Transformative language guide — Sex and Gender_accessible

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Terminology Guidelines_Transformative language guide — Anti-racism and Decolonisation_accessible

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Terminology Guidelines_Transformative language guide — Disability_accessible_v2

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