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Die Augen eines Buben werden mithilfe eines großen Gerätes untersucht. Eine Frau mit einem grünen Hemd hält den Kopf des Kindes, damit die Augen gut untersucht werden können.
Nikpiannibéhat hatte bilateralen Katarakt. Bemerkt haben es seine Eltern als er 3 Jahre alt war. © Gregor Kuntscher

Burkina Faso

Light for the World has been helping to break down barriers to disability inclusion in Burkina Faso since 2004 and opened an office there in 2009. We are proud of our systems change approach to promoting person-centred quality care throughout the country. 

Our impact in 2023

  • More than 118,000 people reached with our eye health programmes
  • More than 30,000 people reached in the field of disability inclusion (inclusive education, economic empowerment, Disability Inclusion in Community Development – DICD)

What we do

We enable eye health services

We aim for all women, men and children in Burkina Faso to access comprehensive, inclusive, resilient and quality eye health services by the end of 2025. We primarily focus on vulnerable groups and students, notably through the “1,2,3 I can see!” programme. We support the development of accessible and quality eye care services for the population, strengthening the skills and expertise of medical personnel in collaboration with the Ministries of Health and Education, other NGOs and implementing partners. 

We champion inclusive education

We are working with the Burkina Faso government to ensure that by the end of 2025, the country’s national education system will include all children identified and enrolled in our eye care programme without distinction or discrimination because of gender, disability, religion, ethnicity and social status.  

To achieve this, we influence education sector policy and funding, infrastructure development and teacher training to better include children with disabilities and other vulnerable groups in schools.   

We promote inclusive economic empowerment 

We support inclusive economic empowerment and livelihood activities, including vocational training, for people with disabilities and internally displaced people in Burkina Faso. We do this in collaboration with government institutions, disability stakeholders, civil society, and NGOs, as well as financial and training institutions. Together, these initiatives aim to build resilience among these communities and foster a more welcoming and inclusive social environment for them (find out more on the SPARK website).  

Get in touch for more information

Étienne Bagré

Country Director Burkina Faso