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CapAble wins Zero Project Award for promoting inclusive education for African universities

The image shows a woman in a wheelchair reading a book in a library. The CapAble project, which puts disability inclusion into action in higher education, has won a Zero Project Award.
The image shows a woman in a The CapAble project, which puts disability inclusion into action in higher education, has won a Zero Project Award. © Erika Bojarczuk / Light for the World.
  • Inclusive Education

A project to put disability inclusion into action in higher education has been awarded a prestigious prize. 

CapAble, an online resource platform giving universities and tertiary education providers the power and knowledge to put disability inclusion into action, has won a Zero Project Award

Supporting scholars with disabilities 

Developed by Light for the World, CapAble is a one-stop shop for universities and tertiary institutions to access tools, resources and educational materials on disability inclusion in higher education. 

Originally developed to support the Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program, CapAble has gained more than 30,000 users since it was launched in December, 2021. 

CapAble is now funded under We Can Work, a partnership between Light for the World and the Mastercard Foundation. We Can Work aims to enable one million young women and men with disabilities in Africa to access dignified and fulfilling work. 

Funded by the Mastercard Foundation, We Can Work is implemented by Light For the World, African Disability Forum and organisations of persons with disabilities in Ethiopia, Kenya, Uganda, Rwanda, Ghana, Nigeria and Senegal. 

Built specifically for an African context but available to any educational institution, CapAble resources include an assistive technology hub, e-course and a printable board game.  

The platform is also linked to 70 Master Trainers at 10 university campuses across Africa. Master Trainers use the tools and resources on the website to actively advocate for and influence policies at their universities. 

Zero Project Awards  

The Zero Project Awards celebrate innovative disability inclusion projects from around the world. This year saw more than 500 entries from 97 countries. 

The Zero Project is a global research-driven initiative to support the implementation of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD). It recognises solutions that improve the daily lives and legal rights of all people with disabilities. 

The Zero Project Award’s international review board found CapAble had “successfully demonstrated its impact, scalability and innovative character”. 

“We are thrilled” 

“We are thrilled CapAble has won a Zero Project Award and been recognised for promoting transformative inclusion in higher education institutions across Africa,” says Ambrose Murangira, Technical Director for Disability Inclusion at Light for the World. 

Image of the first Deaf Mastercard Foundation Scholars at the University of Gondar, laughing and communicating in sigh language. The CapAble project, which puts disability inclusion into action in higher education, has won a Zero Project Award.
The first Deaf Mastercard Foundation Scholars at the University of Gondar, Ethiopia. The CapAble project, which puts disability inclusion into action in higher education, has won a Zero Project Award. © Erika Bojarczuk / Light for the World.

“The tools and resources supporting universities to become disability inclusive are typically centered around the experiences and realities of higher-income countries.  

“With CapAble, Light for the World sought to provide a web-based toolbox tailored for the African context. Using tried and tested methods, CapAble supports learning institutes across Africa in becoming more inclusive for students with disabilities. 

“We look forward to universities continuing to use CapAble to expand accessibility and inclusion — so all students have the tools and access to succeed.” 

Light for the World won two Zero Project Awards last year. One for its work championing inclusive elections in Burkina Faso, and another for EnableMe, an online platform promoting inclusion through online community-building in Kenya.  

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